Revision policy
All customers are offered free unlimited revisions within flexible timeframes

Revision Period
We offer flexible revision periods
Depending on the length or editing type of your work.
14 days unlimited requests
30 days unlimited requests
Disputable cases:
180 days extended period (e.g., in case of plagiarism)
How our revisions work: 3 steps

Frequent questions about revision policy
What is the deadline to submit my request?
Revisions are available from the moment you receive your order. The period starts on the day of order delivery and lasts for 14 days. Because some papers are too complicated to review quickly, we offer an extended period for orders with 20+ pages. Note that in some disputable cases, we offer up to 180 days of free revisions (for example, if your order has proven to be plagiarized).
Can I get free alterations after the period is over?
If your revision period has expired, you can ask the same expert for changes in the document for an additional fee. We strongly encourage you to stay within the official timeframe and request improvements in due time (14-30 days from the delivery date) to avoid extra costs.
How do I know if my request is eligible for a free revision?
There are several reasons to request a revision, namely:
- Your initial requirements were not met.
- There are mistakes in the paper that require editing.
- Your supervisor’s feedback (note that it has to align with your initial instructions).
- Non-compliance with our guarantees.
- Other quality issues.
Any of these reasons make your order eligible for free alterations.
How many times can I ask for revisions?
As many times as you need. The number of requests is not limited but they ought to be made within a due free period.
Do I pay extra for the changes?
No, your order will be edited for free unless you submit your request after the official revision period deadline. Please note that your edits must align with the initial instructions. If you ask the expert to add or change something in the paper that wasn’t discussed in the original brief, we may charge an additional fee.
How do I know when my amendments are ready?
You will receive timely updates on the editing progress. We’ll send email notifications, and you can download the edited version from your Customer area when it is ready.